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Thursday 31 August 2017

Can I Read You a Story?

To help you get to know me before we meet next week, I'd like to read you one of my favourite back-to-school stories.  It's called Jake Starts School by Michael Wright.  This is the first of MANY fabulous books that we will read together.  I hope you enjoy it!

Welcome! Bienvenue!

Hello new kindergarten families. I am so excited to finally get to spend some time with you all at École Bannatyne.

Welcome to my kindergarten blog. It will be used in many ways. On this page we will celebrate our learning by sharing work and pictures, we will communicate with kindergarten families about what we do in class, and we will create a place where students can practice words and songs that we have learned in French. Parents and students are welcome and encouraged to leave comments and suggestions.

I'd like to direct your attention to some of the things that I have built into the blog over the summer. First of all, your child's schedule is listed above. You will receive a paper copy at our conferences next week. The kindergarten handbook is also attached, and is an especially great resource for new Bannatyne families. Everything that you need to know about my program is detailed there. If you have the time, please read it before we meet next week. That way, if you still have questions, I can answer them then. On the side of the page you will find a Meet the Teacher link. It leads you and your child to a page that is meant to help your child get to know me better. We will be creating a similar book together in class to get to know each of our new kindergarten friends.

Enjoy our new blog!